Friday, February 20, 2015

half, quarter and split half square triangles

I spent a lovely Friday sewing triangles. I've decided that many of my quilting samples should be a consistent size. So I'm going to spend some time working on samples for classes that are 2 by 3 feet... 24 inches wide and 36 inches long. This is a challenge. I usually just wing it, see whatever size the quilt ends up.

This is a sample for my half square triangle quarter square triangle and split half triangle squares. I just learned the term split-half triangle while doing some Pinterest searching the other day. I never knew what to call those squares made of two quarter triangles and one half triangle. Now I know. Split half triangle square perfect name.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Custom Quilting - February Special

I'm offering a special price for custom quilting for the month of February.

Book your quilt in during February and get 20% off the price of medium density quilting. Price for this is regularly 3¢ per square inch.  Now only 2.4¢ per square inch. 

A quilt that is 60" x 90" would be 5400 square inches.  At 3¢ per square inch the total would be $162.  At 2.4¢ per square inch the new total would be $130.

Give me a call at 403-819-8126 to book your quilt in for quilting.
